Thursday, October 27, 2011

NMDE Cave Diving Training

Observation Date:27 October, 2011
Dive Team Members:Steve Parker - Martin McClellan
Begin Time: 2:25pmEnd Time: 4:45pm

Weather Conditions:Clear Sunny Day - mid 50s
WindDirection : N/A Speed: N/A Duration: N/A

Water Conditions
SurfaceAbsolutely Flat - Mirror calm
Last 24 hrs:No wind, No storms, Low temperatures in the high 2o's
Temperature:Surface- 55 - 58 At Depth- 44 - 46, Thermocline at 100 to 50
Visibility:Vertical-35 Horizontal- 50+
Current:Direction-N/A Speed- N/A
Site Depth Benchmark reading: 22 ffw

Animal & Plant Life
Fin FishDescription : Trout, Minnows, Macinaw Quantity: 100+
CopepodEst. Density: None Present
Invasive SpeciesMysis Shrimp
Mysis ShrimpEst. Density: Low - less than 10 seen

Team Observations/Comments: Today's dive was training for NMDE expedition cave diving in Akumal during November of 2011. The dive took us to 171 feet where the visibility was below 30' horizontal and the water temp was 44. The observance of Mysis and Copepod were non existant and the brownish algae in the mid water column was non-existent. The visibility deep seemed to be silt suspended like a cloud although we could not figure out where it came from. We saw several trout on the deep wall between 120 and 160 and then saw two macinaw a very rare sight at approximately 50-60 and then back in close to the beach at 45 feet we saw the largest school of small fin fish ever, over 1000 fish was our estimate. Dive was 175 feet for 90 minutes with a combined deco of 50 minutes due to scooter distance. Divers were approximately 1 mile off shore.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

NMDE Team Dive - Assess wood debris above SS Tahoe Site

Observation Date:24 July, 2011
Dive Team Members:Briseno, McClellan, Parker
Begin Time:10:00End Time:11:45

Weather Conditions:Clear, Calm, mid 70's
WindDirection : N/A Speed: N/A Duration: N/A

Water Conditions
Last 24 hrs:Flat, Calm
Temperature:Surface-65F At Depth-48F
Visibility:Vertical-20' minus Horizontal-30' minus [0-40 ] 30' plus [40-105]
Current:Direction-N/A Speed-N/A
Site Depth Benchmark reading: 26 ffw [Taken at the 20' benchmark]

Animal & Plant Life
Fin FishDescription : N/A Quantity: 0
CopepodEst. Density: Extremely High
Invasive SpeciesMysis Shrimp - Density highest between 50 and 80 feet
Mysis ShrimpEst. Density: Medium

Team Observations/Comments: The team in preparation for several mapping dives forthcoming during August and September, took this dive opportunity to assess the newly discovered lumber debris field between 70 and 120'. This lumber pile is very extensive and is of cut timber, milled lumber and discarded logs from the buildings on the Glenbrook Shore during the 1850 - early 1900's time period. Upon initial assessment, this lumber debris field begins somewhat above the SS Tahoe in an area estimated to be in an area of about 4 acres. It is unique as there is no other lumber debris of this quantity this far from the inside coordinates of Glenbrook Bay. This debris field is approximately in line with Deadmans Point. We will continue to explore this area for a more exact interpretation of its significance. Our dive utilized scooters, travel stages and back gas - 32% EAN with a run time of 93 minutes to a maximum depth of 105' - average depth was 34'. We did some maintenance work on our 20' decompression station and secured an additional auger as an anchor point for support boat.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

NMDE Team Training Scooter Dive on Doris's Deep

Observation Date:18 June, 2011
Dive Team Members:James Novaes and Martin McClellan
Begin Time:10:30amEnd Time:12:30pm

Weather Conditions:Clear/Sunny 63 degrees at 10:30am
WindDirection : N/A Speed: 00 Duration: N/A

Water Conditions
SurfaceGlass Flat beginning and end of dive
Last 24 hrs:Calm, no inclimate weather, beautiful conditions
Temperature:Surface- 55F At Depth- 43F
Visibility:Vertical- less than 30' Horizontal- less than 50' [ave]
Current:Direction-N/A Speed- N/A
Site Depth Benchmark reading: 22 ffw

Animal & Plant Life
Fin FishDescription : Rainbow Trout Quantity: 1 at 30 feet
CopepodEst. Density: Medium above 70' - None present at 70' and below
Invasive SpeciesMysis Shrimp
Mysis ShrimpEst. Density: Low at 70' and deeper none present shallower

Team Observations/Comments:An incredible and cooler than normal June day. Our winter weather pattern finally stopped just after Memorial Day weekend, May 28 - 30, 2011 where we had upwards of 12 inches of new snow at the highest Sierra Elevations. The lake is up some 5 feet since January of 2011 and one of our project objectives for this dive was to set a benchmark depth auger.

We set this where the top of the auger is at 22ft and the bottom is 23 feet. We placed a sign upon the auger asking that it not be disturbed and listed all our websites. On past dives, our concrete block we use for tying off our dive flag consistently sat at 21 feet and now it is at 26 feet.

Our dive took us to 208 feet where the visibility improved from 30+ in the shallow depths to that of 50+ below 150 feet. An interesting observation is that at 70' the green rock algae that clings to the granite boulders really became pronounced and obvious and below this depth, there was none present - identical situation for the copepod shrimp - none present at depths below 70' with the thickest concentration occurring between 30-60 feet. Temperature at 70' was 48 degrees F.

Total dive time was 105 minutes. 30 minutes of bottom time and 75 minutes of decompression.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

NMDE Team Training Scooter Dive on Doris's Deep

Observation Date:9 April, 2011
Dive Team Members:Martin McClellan and Mike Soldwisch
Begin Time: 09:30End Time: 10:30

Weather Conditions:Cloudy - Cold 23F @ 08:00 
    WindDirection : SSW Speed: 5-10 Duration: Began about 10:00

Water Conditions 
    SurfaceWind Ripples
    Last 24 hrs:Freak Spring Winter Storm with Snow
    Temperature:Surface- 43F At Depth- 43F
    Visibility:Vertical- N/A Horizontal- 50+
    Current:Direction- N/A Speed- N/A

Animal & Plant Life 
    Fin FishSmall Minnows under rocks - Schools of 20 - 30
       CopepodNon-existent in the water collumn from surface to depth
    Invasive SpeciesNone encountered
       Mysis ShrimpNon-existent on bottom from surface to depth

Team Observations/Comments: Team scooter training dive.  Approximately 20 students were in classes with 2-3 different instructors from various dive centers from Northern Nevada and California.  We dove to a maximum depth of 78 feet for a total run time of 60 minutes.  Covering close to 4000 linear feet along the bottom.  Doris's deep begins about 2000 linear feet from Divers Cove on a bearing of about 230-240.  Ambient light was dim due to clouds.  Lake was calm upon arrival but developed wind ripples upon departure.  Animal life was minimal and hiding as usual this time of year.  Visibility was close to 50' as the water conditions were stable.  

Saturday, February 5, 2011

NMDE Team Dive - Assess Habitat Area - Glenbrook Bay - SS Tahoe

Observation Date:
5 February, 2011
Dive Team Members:
Novaes, McClellan, Frasier(Capt.)
Begin Time:08:30:00
End Time: 10:30:00

Weather Conditions:
Direction : N/A Speed: N/A Duration: N/A

Water Conditions
Flat - Ripple
Last 24 hrs:
High Pressure/Unseasonably Calm
Surface- 41F At Depth- 41F
Vertical- 40'+ Horizontal- 50'+
Direction- N/A Speed- N/A

Animal & Plant Life
Fin Fish
None Observed
Est. Density: Low
Invasive Species
Mysis Shrimp
Mysis Shrimp
Est. Density: Low

Team Observations/Comments: This was dive #2 of habitat assessment. The lake was calm and obvious visibility and clarity are the result.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

NMDE Team Dive - Assess Habitat Area - Glenbrook Bay - SS Tahoe

Observation Date:
15 January, 2011
Dive Team Members:
Novaes, McClellan, Ekkelboom, Briseno(Captain)
Begin Time:09:00:00
End Time:11:45:00

Weather Conditions:
Direction : N/A Speed: N/A Duration: N/A

Water Conditions

Last 24 hrs:
High Pressure/Calm/Clear
Surface- 41F At Depth- 41F
Vertical- 40'+ Horizontal- 50'+
Direction- N/A Speed- N/A

Animal & Plant Life

Fin Fish
None Observed
Est. Density: Low
Invasive Species
Mysis Shrimp
Mysis Shrimp
Est. Density: Low

Team Observations/Comments:
This dive was to establish a position for the proposed decompresion habitat. The conditions we incredible as the lake has undergone a 3 week period of no winter storms.